Pattern: CPH, not to be confused with NPH, who is also awesome
Yarn: Peace Fleece Worsted in Kamchatka Sea Moss, about 6 skeins (1200 yards-ish)
Needles: size 7 and 6
Size: 40"
Verdict: Well, let me explain. This is a fine sweater. I love it in fact. However, as you can see in the above picture, it is a bit snug. This would be OK, I mean, I can still fit a shirt underneath it and everything, but there is a problem that you can't see there. Let's see if I can explain it.
So when I look at myself in the mirror I see a normal waist, normal hips, small-ish chest, but there is one thing to which I remain completely voluntarily blind, apparently. See my shoulders? They are particularly large for my proportions. They are the reason that the 40" (a size with 2" of positive ease on me) pulls like crazy in the front, and stretches the cables in the back. Now, I love this sweater, and as such I decided that it should go to someone that it , you know, fits.
Enter: The wonder-postdoc. WP has my proportions, but is shorter and has much narrower shoulders. On top of all of that, she has red hair (perfect!). The sweater looks fabulous on her. When she gives me a picture I'll post it to show exactly how awesome it looks on her. Obviously it had to be hers.
Conclusion: Lovely pattern. Really wonderful. However, if you have anything over average-sized shoulders I would make at least 1.5/2 sizes up - something is up with the sleeves.
In other news, my yarn diet is almost over (be afraid - very afraid). Wisconsin Sheep and Wool is but a week away, and I am squeeing like a schoolgirl over it already. I covet Kimmet Croft yarn with the lust of a thousand nuns.
Berlin was great, althought I would have liked to stay longer (don't you always?). Here are some pictures to tide everyone over - Peace!